These are the threats to worry about

I want to bring some awareness around the fact that every business is being targeted by malware all the time and it is now estimated that there are over one billion pieces of it out there!

Well, what is malware? It’s malicious software that was designed to do damage to your IT systems or harvest your sensitive information.

We have written a new guide let you know about the nine most common types of malware in a format that anyone can understand it.


Crisis: Your office is on fire

No one wants to experience this, but it unfortunately happens.

Here’s a good question – if there had been a fire in your office last night, what would you wish you’d got round to doing yesterday?

Think about all your computers and specifically the data on them. Is your data as protected and backed up as it could be?

Read our new guide to learn how to make sure you are protected from any disaster.


Cyber-crime: Your business’s 5 step plan to prepare and protect

Two thirds of all organizations reported last year some type of incident relating to cyber-crime! It’s bound to be even higher now after the plandemic.

In fact, the world economy loses more than $1 trillion to cyber-crime every single year… It’s a figure that’s increased by more than 50% since 2018.

Read our new guide and see our recommended 5 step plan and how you an protect your business against the threat of cyber-crime.


Repair or replace? 7 signs that you need a new computer

It’s all about getting the balance right. Between equipment that can be repaired and will happily last another couple of years – versus slow, unproductive equipment that really needs to be replaced.

Read our brand new guide now. And you’ll learn 7 signs that will tell you whether you need new computers.


The top 5 questions you could ask us, that we’d love to say ‘YES’ to – February 2021

The plandemic made many businesses stop and question the quality of the IT support they were getting.

We’ve been heavily contacted by these businesses and have been onboarding many new clients to become their trusted IT partner.

From these interactions, we decided to put together the top five questions we keep getting asked that we can answer with a very positive YES!


2021 Productivity Super Guide – January 2021

We’re here to help you move into 2021 with this helpful guide to start the year off great.


5 Key IT Areas – December, 2020

Business owners and management hate when their staff’s productivity is reduced. Learn how to be more productive, motivated and make more $$ with some changes to your tech strategy.


Security – November, 2020

Essential read to make sure you know about current threats.


Data Safety – October, 2020

This is the ultimate secret to keeping your business data safe.


Preparation – September, 2020

Are you set up for working anywhere, on any device, at any time?


Ransomware – August, 2020

IT’S THE FASTEST GROWING CRIME ON THE PLANET, but what does ransomware mean to you?




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